Catch the eye of your customer: Selecting the right image for your Facebook Ad

Creating a strong Facebook ad requires you to tick many boxes. One of the most important is of course the image you choose to run with your ad.

Consider it a digital billboard – you want it to be bold and eye-catching in order to entice customers to click.

But how do you do this? And more importantly – how do you make sure your image is approved by Facebook?

Here are some of our tips…

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Show off your products and services

Every ad has a different purpose and this will naturally impact your decision when selecting your ad’s image.

However, one thing is for sure– you want your brand to be easily recognised. In your ad it’s a good idea to use powerful images that reflect your business and its offerings.

Don’t be afraid to show off your products and services to those scrolling through Facebook and Instagram. You want potential customers to see what you’re selling and convert these people into clients.

The best way to do this is by showing off what you do.

Don't use too much text

Once upon a time, Facebook did used to have a rule about how much text could be put on an ad’s image.

Whilst this is no longer a fixed term of getting your ad image approved, it’s still something to keep in mind.

Facebook reports that images with less than 20% of text on them generally perform better. So if you opt for writing on your image keep it short, snappy and sweet.

So make sure to draw people in with your image, and save your words for the ad’s copy instead.

Use a strong colour pallet

As consumers, we often scroll quickly through Facebook and Instagram with little thought.

There is so much content on there, and we just don’t have the time to view it all.

This is why you need to make sure your ad’s image is eyecatching. You want to be the one thing that the social media user does stop and see.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to use vibrant colours that will naturally grab people’s attention when they’re swiping.

And of course, keep the colours on-brand!

Don't forget your logo

Talking about remaining ‘on-brand’ you’ll want to make sure you use your logo.

Your logo makes your brand easily recognisable, and connects the product you’re selling with your business.

Brand recognition is an important part of marketing, and when your client is aware of you, they will remember you.

So make sure that you incorporate your logo into your Facebook ad’s image, but don’t make it the sole focus. Simply allow it to complement the selected service or product.

So there you have it, our top tips for getting your ad’s image noticed!

Why not give us a message and we’ll help you create the perfect ad – from the image to the copy?

Just get in contact with us today.

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